Hosted by Ayala Nunez

Walk away from the New Age and set yourself free to the path of truth, humility, and righteousness. Let’s return to bringing the True Messiah's Name (Yahushua Hamashiach) back into our every day-to-day conversation with Quintessential Mark Radio 2.0 (QMR 2.0): The New Age Recovery Chronicles, only on R3TV Ministries LLC: The Rise of the Qodeshim—The Number #1 Source for Deep-Dive Investigative Journalism, Mental Health and Wellness, and Unapologetic “Scripture-Based” Broadcast On-Demand…

“These mystery schools (of the New Age) won’t save you. It plays on your spiritual pride, and perpetrates a deep hidden sinister deception. It will not bring you to the one True Living God, but rather to the 'god' of this world, in chosen rebellion, Satan!” ~Christine Do

“Ayala, I found you on YouTube.
And, I am also leaving New Age ideas and beliefs behind, and turning straight to God, Yeshua and the Bible! Nothing else! Jesus is the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth! No more Reiki!” ~Pamela Bundros

“Wonderful testimony to the truth, Brother! GOD is the light out of the labyrinth. As I am learning more of gnostic/ kabbalistic origins, found within the teachings of this New Age Deception, I see an inversion! It is a false light, a false baptism, the lie.” ~Brandon Grunnet

“We all need to keep our eyes on God (alone). Everyone’s journey is different, but I personally need to thank you, Ayala Nunez, because your stumble stopped me from falling. Thank God for your Clarity.” ~Gabriella Murdon

"In such a deceptive landscape, where illusion, distraction, hidden agendas, and viral mis-information runs so severely rampant within this world, all that we will ever need as a solution, is the Truth. Within this case, we are speaking about the Most High Aluahiym! When we yield to the Almighty, in absolute trust and faith, is exactly when the Father shows out, in all of His Glory! As we journey towards that common denominator of Truth, there is a Moral Code, a responsibility that we must bring back, as Ambassadors for the Most High Elohiym. And that ancient Code of Honor is Righteousness, through the Power and Glory of His Word—The True Origins of Hebraic Mosaic Law. As the End Times Qodeshiym, we must usher-back the mind-set of this Ancient Moral Code. And by, not only reading and speaking the ‘True Word’, but by also living according to this Truth, we can ultimately be blessed and ordained with the appropriated eyes to better see and the rightened ears to know with improving and ever-so evolving discernment, which is absolutely key. This will most certainly be a challenge, but with our Dear Father's Grace in Divine Guidance... all things are absolutely possible! From this, I can absolutely trust with undeniable faith! For, Yahushua is the Word, thus the Word is Elohiymm and whereby the unseen wind (The Ruach) is the Father, the Aluahiym of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. ‘YAHUAH IS ONE!’ (Deuteronomy 6:4)” ~Ayala Nunez, Author of 'Exposing the Apostasy: Tracking the Trail of the Wolf', Host of QMR 2.0: The New Age Recovery Chronicles, Executive Producer & Founder of R3TV Ministries LLC

ABOUT YOUR HOST: Ayala Nunez is a former New Age writer and producer, bringing awareness to his story on how he experienced and encompassed the bulk of variable manipulative spiritual practices, theologies, concepts and influences, within the world of the New Age, in search for Truth. But, along that darkened journey, he later encountered Revelation, once he began to walk away from this elusive and deceptive mind-control trap! He discovered, not only the path to “The Way” on his homecoming voyage back to the True Messiah, Yahushua Hamashiach (יהושוע), but he also uncovered the root beginnings of Paganism (Ancient Babylonia) implanted deeply throughout many institutional spiritualities and religions of the world, the very same root foundation of proverbial “New Age” Theosophy. From this, he soon realized that the true pandemic of our times is none the viral, from what it may seem on the surface, but rather it is something which contributes more to that of a parasitic conundrum. And, because of this, his investigative journalism has led him hot-on-the-trail to that very mystery, from whence this symbiotic infestation had originally infiltrated the storyline of Humanity, since the Garden. Ayala has evolved from New Age influencer… to prolific Christian and Hebrew Bible Researcher… and to now a “Revealer of Truths” to expose the Deception. Ayala Nunez is the creator of his viral network blog, called “Walk Away From the New Age”, and is the host of his paradigm-shattering “Set-Apart” influenced podcast, called Quintessential Mark Radio 2.0 (QMR 2.0): The New Age Recovery Chronicles. Additionally, Ayala is the author of his book ‘Exposing the Apostasy: Tracking the Trail of the Wolf’ and is the Executive Producer and Founder of R3TV MINISTRIES LLC: The Rise of the Qodeshim—The Number #1 Source for Deep-Dive Investigative Journalism, Mental Health and Wellness, and Unapologetic “Scripture-Based” Broadcast On-Demand…


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NOTE: Based in the high desert from amidst the uncontested beauty found within the Valley of Phoenix (Arizona), R3TV Ministries LLC is a podcast video network, an online fellowship, created to provide the “Good News” to the world—The Glory of Yahuah—Our Almighty Father! And as this online presence continues, through time-tested Testimony, to open the eyes of so many, whom have been lost to the ways of the world through the New Age and other ancient pagan influences, this faith-based ministry’s all-encompassing mission lies upon spreading indeed the Moral Code of Righteousness derived from the roots of the vine of original Mosaic Law (The Tanakh)—The True Living Word of the Most High Aluahiym, to all whom seek His Name. From within Providence, what the select “set apart” shall reveal, will (not only be the manipulative mind control of Ancient Babylonia which still infiltrates all walks of life on earth today); but there is still another Truth, which is meticulously ordained to the Remnant. This Revelation lies within it, the responsibility of the End Times Qodeshim (The Natsarim) to uphold, honor, protect, and to creatively minister original, ancient and sacred “Hebraic” Scriptural Doctrine (Yirmeyahu 6:16). And as the lamps of the Qodeshim are filled with the infinitesimal Light of Abba, our Dear Father, may that same illumination be revealed to those whom seek the Truth, whilst desiring to continually walk, speak, breathe and to live… in Torah.